Saturday, October 22, 2011

Christmas 2011

ok!! lets get this kicked off right; have blogged about the weight, now how about the feast as the end ;) yup, there will be a Christmas feast; The Cratchets should be so lucky to have such bounty!! LOL
Well, perhaps not, it will be heavily improvised this year; aside from the Mincemeat (I made a single batch for this year) the cake, and two puddings are hold overs from 2009 so very well cured ;-) At the end of last year, I put aside some of the ingredients for cookies and such, so that we would have a start for this year; as it turns out, it was a good idea; we have mint chocolate chips, and Black Currant preserve; red and green cherries, almond paste, spices, and sliced almonds, custard powder and jellos for the Tryfle ; the cake, puddings and the Mincemeat will be "seasoned" tomorrow, for the last time, it makes up 4 Litres, more than adequate for the family; all that needs purchasing, can be done between now and the beginning of December; we have a Christmas Turkey (31 lbs) and if money permits we may have a Goose and Ham for those who desire it; no guarantees ;)
now to make a list of things we would need/like for cooking:

Small Tarts shells from Almost Perfect
Candied Peel
Flour for baking 10 kg
Sugar, white and brown

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